Cengiz Khan’s   Barbaric  Prize  For Turkish  Regime  !!!.


In The Name Of Great Kurdistan .

H. S. Soran .



Tehran – Oct  28,  2005 .


I do not intend to  degrade  or humiliate any nation , tribe  , clan  , family  or even any individual of human  society , because due   to  my   humanitarian   standards and  genuine Kurdish culture  , I am  committed  to respect  all my  global  compatriots  in  a general  sense , including those  respectable   Turks  ,  among  which I have a lot  of  intellectual friends and  Kurdish-rights  supporters  inside Turkey  and abroad   .


But  ,  at the universal arena , there are some terms   ,  that denote and convey  a  special  symbolic  meaning   ,  which  could not be easily    ignored   . One of these hateful   terms  , in particular in Western culture ,  is  the expression “ Cengiz Khan Of Mongolia , whom  is  considered as a brutal  and  vicious  token of  cruelty , barbarism , ferociousness  and  aggression  , in such a way .  that it has been established as an  outstanding negative  proverb  in some  languages ,  one  of which is  English    language  .


Mainly due to genetic  heritage  ,  the present Turkish leaders as well as their respective regime ,  are  degenerated  heirs  of  their  iniquitous  predecessor ,  Cengiz Khan Of Mongolia ,  who  was  the most  barbarous  killer/ruler   of    human history . Turkish  leaders  are proud  of Emperor Cengiz  and even  still  according  to vital  statistics  regulations , they prefer to  choose  the name  Cengiz for their children  .  In fact  , some of  those  leaders themselves are  worst contemporary  Cengizs  .  For  isnstance , as a popular  Turkish writer ,  ORHAN  PAMUK says  ,  Turkish  government  has massacred  thirty  thousand  Kurds, only  in last years.


The  most recent ridiculous  and nonsense  attitude of Turkey ,  was  expressed  yesterday , on the occasion of Kurdish leader ,  Masoud Barzani’s visit to Washington and his historic  meeting with President Bush . In a protest submitted to US  , the Turkish government has expresses his deep dismay of this visit ; besides this ,  they have protested against  hoisting of Kurdish   flag ,  on  Kurdistan-Turkey  frontier ,  at Ibrahim Khalil   ,  which  is deep  inside main Kurdistan territory .


As we know ,  President Masoud Barzani is an elected leader , which is democratically  chosen by millions of Kurds in Iraq  ;  Iraqi  Kurdistan is a universally recognized  autonomous  district  of  Iraq  and Iraq is a chartered member of United Nations .  Then , how Turkish regime ,  which  is  not  chosen  democratically and is an imposed one  , can protest  against the visit of an authorized leader of  other  state  to another  country . And how it  can protest against  hoisting of  a  nation’s flag inside its  legitimate     territory ?    While  , Mr. Masoud Barfzani , as  a  neighbor , has repeatedly respected Turkey extravagantly  in many occasions  .


Anyway , there is no rationality in two above  ridiculous  attitudes of Turkey  toward   Kurds and  there is no justification so far , except  their  genetic  dependency on Cengiz Khan ,  Atila  and  Teymur  etc  , for which , in fact they shall  receive a   Cengiz Barbarism  golden  prize  ,   from obsolete neo-ataturkists  clique  , in  Ankara .


Once more I  believe  , that there  should be a vast  discrepancy ,  between the public  attitude  and  behavior  in Turkey  with  that of  their    government , for which  the  Turkish honest  people  shall  criticize  their imposed  leaders    seriously  or  to face  a  severe global isolation .