No one takes care  !


By Chiman Salh


Just a couple of days after sadam s ouster I had  received a document from Ms Adalat Umer Saleh  , the head  of Anfal center , to be published in press . the document was a letter from Kirkuk s security office to Sadams General Security office in Baghdad  (Amin ),about 18 kurdish women their ages between 14-29 , they had   been captured in Anfal  Campain been sold to Egypt nightclub s . This was the will of Saddam s cruel regime to devastate   Kurdish community socially, economically and   politically .

Since that time up to now I am Asking about the destination of these women .

Adalat said “ after this document has disclosed  , a number of women from Irbil , Duhok and Sulaimanya have established a special committee to pursue their fate , they collected  signatures and offered memorandums to local ,Iraqi , US and international officials and organization s “


“ But ,those  efforts were fruitless even the former Kurdistan Parliament put back  the question to the new one”   .


I wonder , why there is no support either from the Kurdish authority nor from Iraqi and international  parties to seek the destiny of those innocent women, while Sadam and his  henchmen are on trial ?

 Us an official in the Ministry of Human Rights told me “ the families of those victims of Sadam s wild policies have been distinguished “

 Haw can those poor families from Kirkuk s suburb can afford to search about their virgin daughters kidnapped by Sadam to be sold to Egypt nightclubs and adultery places ,on their own ?!    


So, why no one takes care  of the  destiny of them ?!!