The poison-gas did Halabja to the Hiroshima of the middle east

The poison-gas did Halabja to the Hiroshima of the middle east

 The cruel poison-gas attacked  Saddam Hussein against the own

Kurdishe people remain unforgettably


Translated from Germany by Khalid Shaida /Hannover 01.05.08

Also the resistance growing world-wide against a foreseeable American attack-

war in the Iraq does a cruel genocide of Saddam Hussein in the own country

unforgettably: 15 years ago, the Iraqi dictator tried to wipe out the Kurd-city

Halabja with the quiet toleration of the west in the North-Iraq with poison-gas.

Against 7'000 children, women and children died an agonizing death.


The probably worst poison-gas-attack since the World War II took  place precisely

15 years ago. In the visor of the bombers, the city Halabja lay in Irakisch-

Kurdistan. Between 3'200 and 7'000 Kurdish children, women and men came

between the 16. and 18. March 1988 in the bombardment of the Iraqi air force

miserably about the life. Approximately 10'000 people became badly injured. The

photo of a Kurdish father, the " Saddam launched poison-gas -

Would attack on 200 Iraqi Kurden-Dörfers ".

with his/its dead child in the arm before his/its house had collapsed, went around

the world.

Later examinations showed that the victims of the city counting approximately

40'000 inhabitants had been wiped out at the border to the Iran with nerves - and

mustard-gas or had partly been damaged for life. It was the same poison-gas-

cocktail, with which already the Iraqi armed forces the inhabitants of other

approximately 200 Kurdish villages eingenebelt and agonizingly had killed.

Dictator Saddam used in the, first, Gulf war against the Iran (1980-1988) equally

also the opportunity, to proceed brutally against the rebellious Kurd in the own

country once more. To the alternation with poison-gas. And this under the eyes

of the silent west and the American government. Men, who have that sagas

directly or indirectly today again, was in charge of this: President George Bush

Senior, Vice-president Richard Cheney, and Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld



As bosom-friends were still Saddams US-Feinde


The trio paid court to the potentate so odious today at the Tigris at that time,

armed him/it massively and supported him/it against the army of the revolution-

leader Khomeini attacked from the Iraq. Petted so, Saddam Hussein attacked

Kuwait two years later - in the opinion, the USA supported him/it. The so

surprised government-trio of Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld carried out stattdessen a

tight turnabout however. Without delay, the Iraqi president turned into the villain

from Baghdad, who has them/her/it thousands Kurdish dead persons of Halabja

on the conscience doubt-freely. However not only the USA made possible it for

Saddam Hussein to start C-Waffen. Mitbeteiligts were also many European

states, under whatever Switzerland. You/they all allowed it the Iraqi ruler and



his/its supporters with the delivery of know-how, whole laboratories, components

" documents incriminates Dictator Saddam heavily ".

or substances as so-called Dual-use-Güter - civilian and in a military manner

usable technologies -, to produce chemical arms.


So, at least 60 German companies had taken part in the construction of the Iraqi

Giftgasindustrie, under them the two Hessian businesses Karl Kolb Ltd. and pilot

Plant, who had advanced above all the construction of the poison-gas-

installations in the Iraqi Samarra. The " society for threatened people " (GfbV)

had already accused these companies to carry for the annihilation of thousands

Kurd and Christian Assyrians responsibility in April 1987 publicly. Thin into the

darkness, which Kurdish Peshmergases (freedom-fighter) had carried off robbed

also of the four million documents of the Saddam-regime later.


The papers became Rights Watch from the international human right-

organization humanely and taken from Kurdish Menschenrechtlern under the

magnifying glass. It refuted not only the protection-claims of the Iraq and the

USA, that would have Khomeini-Truppen, tried to wipe out Halabja with cyanide:

You/they show that the Anfal-Offensive " guided " by Giftgasbombardements had

enforced Ali Hassan Al-Majid, the cousin of the Iraqi dictator, 1986 to 1988

against the Kurdish population. A report of the UN held moreover solidly, the

poison-gas-attacks have been " so terrible and from so huge scope that is " to be

found only few precedents since the World War II.


But-thousands of Kurd and Assyrians murdered


Survivor victims in the Kurdish settlements was liquidated. Became hundred

thousand of Kurdish and Assyrian civilians from the water-reaches mountains

into the Iraqi waste-areas driven, ten-thousands of them with mass-shootings

executed. According to Kurdish statements, but also after estimations of the

GfbV and other human right-organizations, the number of the " Anfal"-Toten only

already lies with 180'000. altogether was allowed to the terror-regime the since

over 25 years at the gearshifts of the power sedentary " still today dies

the victims at skin-damages and leukemia ".

Saddam Hussein in accordance with different estimations against one million

people the life has cost.


Also in Halabja, people still die today constantly according to information of

doctors of the consequences of the murderous poison-gas-attack 15 years ago.

The causes of death are called skin-damages, illnesses of the respiration-organs

and leukemia beforehand. Also the blindness is far dispersed - and with the

children in the concerned region occurs increasingly often deformities. Has

become for the Kurd Halabja with his/its indefinitely seeming and not assessable

consequences of the poison-gas-attack to the " Hiroshima of the middle east "
