Marxists view of History

   Rozh Pavilov  January 2007


Today in our society we are told that capitalism, is the greatest system to organise society. we are told by the media ,by the history books that history is made by famous individuals such as kings, queens, politicians and the working class never played a role in changing society .


lets see what is Marxists view of the history ….


the theory of historical materialism developed by Marx and Engels, is a theory for analysing human society and the laws of its developments . it explains that class society hasn’t always existed and the earliest human society were classless and based on co-operation not exploitation .


Marx and Engels based their theory on how society develops in struggle against idealist philosophisers. Unlike the way most people understand today, "idealism" originally meant a trend within philosophy itself. the idealists believed that ideas comes first and material reality is the result of these ideas, idealists think that changes in reality is caused by ideas, but Marxists are materialists who believe that changes in human society and history is shaped by material, social and economic forces and ideas are the reflection of reality in human consciousness.


Early Societies to today’s world …


hunter gathering society which Marx called the primitive communism. Marx and Engels theory define the earliest human society were classless societies based on co-operation without exploitation of any group by other. This was the only way the human society were organised until class began to develop over 10.000 years ago. They used hunting and scavenging wild animal and gathering wild plants, every one was involved in producing the necessities of life (food, shelter ...etc) and there weren’t a room for elite to develop so who could exploit the labour of other ? 




The Neolithic revolution ….


In the Neolithic revolution  two discoveries began to revolutionise the way human society was organised . first the cultivation of plants, second the domestication of animals. These two achievements known as Neolithic revolution which enabled human to control their environment and  for the first time human society were able to produce a permanent surplus (the amount of food and good produced). This allowed a section of that society to be free from their normal work of producing the necessities . as the productivity of labour were increased and some societies became more complex, a layer of administrators also emerged .


The first writing system in the world  was  developed by the Sumerians. Sumerians society which grew between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers not far from today’s Baghdad was based on irrigation. they made system of channels to take rain water to the fields and this increased crops enormously, so to make sure the water distributed to the fields Sumerian society needed administrators.  In many areas they began to become a ruling elite , a new class with different interests to other on society.  They made rules in order to protect their privilege positions, the most successful of these new elites established special bodies errand, warriors that they played to enforce their rule within the group. This did not happen with out a reaction  in some group is appeared that an emerging ruling class blocked from consolidating their grip on power and collective organisation were re-established however those group used to be weaker than those with the ruling class.

where the productive forces been developed further unless they were divided geographically from other more developed societies, the collectively run hunter gathering groups became dissolved in to them society often by wars and enslavement.





There are three type of class society that’s most known and they are : slavery, feudalism and capitalism ……



the ancient slave society in Greece, Rome and Egypt were based on exploitation of  slaves labour on a massive scale, the wealthy land owners lived their life in big cities which supported by massive numbers of slaves. the slaves worked on the lands and they produced most of the goods of that society for instance wine, pottery, oil  and jewellery which made that society to be so rich.



Feudalism were different it was a peasant based economy, the peasants controlled their production  in their plot land, and they were forced to give half or three quarters of their products and their labour to the feudal lords who controlled the whole lands were the peasants lived. This surplus of the feudal lords taken certain forms, for example the peasants worked  on the  lords lands and gave a proportion of the years produce or pay money rent.

The landowning aristocracy were the ruling class under feudalism.



capitalism , the economic system that dominates our world today is based  on private ownership of the means of production and  exploitation of the working class. the working do not own a land and they are not slave but they are forced to sell their labour to survive. the capitalists buy their labour power to produce the necessities and other products and make profit by selling the products to the working class and other classes. The working class in today’s world are the most oppressed class as if they don’t sell their labour they cant survive and the money they get for their work if they don’t spend it on the products that they made the again they cant survive .  Capitalism is the system we are living under today, unequal and undemocratic , the system that create poverty and war . is based on the exploitation of the working class who are the majority of people by the capitalist class who are the minority , who control and own the industries and the financial institutions and dominates governments and political establishment .






