TEHRAN : 24.10. 2007

Facts  About  Kurdistan :  Defragmentation   or   Fragmentation  ?

In this concise  article , I  honestly  intend  to  expound   some  critical  esoteric points  about  the Kurdistan territory , which  might lead to acquaint non-Kurdish  readers ,  to discover the actuality and facts about  Kurdistan , a  geographically  integrated   country ,    which is  extraneously   partitioned   between Turkey , Iran , Iraq , Syria and Armenia .

This region is a historical country  , which has enjoyed  efficient   independence   from the down  of human  history ( for example  the great  Kurdish kingdom ,  27  centuries  before , headed by King  Diako  , whose capital  was  not  too far from present  Erbil , the capital of current Kurdistan Regional Government  "KRG"  )  . But  unfortunately simultaneous with  Persia  and  many other Near  and Middle Eastern  countries , also Kurdistan  has been  assaulted   by  Arab Islamic  invaders  from Arabic Peninsula , in 7th  century   A.D , and  has been  occupied  by  Arab paramilitary regiments   , in the name  of God ,  while we know  God is not  an Arab .  

Upon  the collapse  of  the occupied countries , including  Kurdistan , and  after the  decease of  Prophet  Mohammad ,   primarily  they were ruled by  Umayyad Caliphate  Dynasty  , whose  preeminent  figure "Yazid"  ,  did  same man  slaughter of today , in Kerbela , Najaf  and  other cites of  Arabic   Iraq .  After them ,   Abbasid Caliphate  ruled  for around half a millennium in  occupied   countries  and  Kurdistan etc  from Baghdad  ; then after their fall and assignation of last Caliph  called  " AL-Mutasemubella "  (  First Benbella )  by Hulako Khan , the Mongol Emperor at Baghdad  , again Kurdistan  fell  under  the reign of their  religious heavenly  heirs , i. e   Ottoman Caliphs for around another 500 years , which was administered  from  hundreds   of religiously   corrupted  mosques of Istanbul . When Western scholars  were founding  the fundaments of modern science and technology , Caliphs  were promoting  ferry  tale  miracles and  ridiculous superstitions .     

But in first world war ( which I call it Kurdish Political Big Bang )  , Ottoman  Caliphate  Empire  was  attacked  and  conquered  by  Western Powers , then  in fact  whole of Great Kurdistan   integral territory , which then  was part of Ottoman realm ( except a small par in Iran)  , was  fragmented  , like  contemporary Soviet  Union  ; and  along with  other colonies of Ottoman Empire , Kurdistan  was  also  freed  from  formidable  religious  joke of  Ottomans  .

As a misfortune for Kurds , despite  other fragmented parts of Ottoman Empire , such as Jordan ,  Lebanon , Syria , Saudi Arabia , Egypt and other countries of Northern Africa , Albania and  other Balkan countries  etc , the Western Conquerors , did  not like  to  establish  an independent  Kurdistan state , while its surface area and population was  nearly  5 times more that Jordan  country  ; rather  they  divided Kurdistan  between Turkey , Iran , Iraq , Syria and Armenia , or better to  justify  , they  transformed  Kurdistan to  a political counterbalance  , in order  to be  used  it  in emergency  conditions  .

Now , when Kurds at any part of their fragmented and  occupied mother land  try to  defragment ( reunite)  their fragmented  land  and  wish  to   establish a  legitimate country of their own , they are irrationally called  separatists   or  rebels  , but in fact  they are   defragmenters   and   devoted  members   of   Kurdish  National Salvation  Army –, separatists and   rebels  are  the occupiers of divided  Kurdistan  .        



