Death of a poet

   By :Jalal Barzanj


(From the Collection -Dance Of The Evening Snow)

My first  poetry book ,has   published in  1979 in Kurdish


It is the  poet’s coffin

 brought again

 to the place of  the  trees,

that shadow the stream

 Blurry shadow

Are you sure it is a coffin?

Or a force of nature?

A cloud?

Crows are following it

Are you sure it is a casket?

Or a cliff it could be,

covered with snow


Tonight who sent it?

 What a beautiful night

The stars filling the sky

No fear in this winter night

 So who sent it?


 from this mountain, we will set off

We face a strong river

The water rises to our waists

We are crossing the river

He will disappear into the valley of eternity

We will not see his form again








  This star

Rises before darkness appears on the horizon

For a blink stay on the top

Disappears once darkness is here

It is a loving star

And a guardian of the journey

 With dawn so close 

aware of this star’s setting in the evening

I will not lose hope

The star will rise again the next evening

Why lose hope?

The star will never disappear forever

It will rise again tomorrow, at this time

 spread its sparkling  between the rocks

and leave me  enjoying  the happiness


1978  (Sktan- Kurdistan)



