People These Days


People these days. What is happening to them. I wonder why they are like this. There is no one around to care for them. Some of the peoples lives are miserable, they don’t even know what to do. This message is for the world. I am wondering why life is good for some people and also at the same time I am wondering why other people have good lives and why are some poor. I really think that this world should be shared with respect and at the same time everyone should be equal. No one should be different. No one  should be told what to do, either this or that. Everyone should be like how rich and normal people live their lives.

I was thinking about a story that happened when I went back to Iraq. This is the story.

As I was walking back from Iraq I saw a lady with a jacket over here head and her daughter on her lap. She was on the side walk putting  her hand out so people can put money in. I went and looked at her while my dad took a picture of her. I wondered why this women isn’t like any other normal women. I can feel deep down within my heart a voice reaching out to me and getting the strong felling in me. I was wondering why people were not respected and treated the same way as other people. Wherever they are from or whether they are poor or rich.

If I could make a change I would ask this world to make a change and help  the make the world a better place to live for everyone. Also thinking that people should be treated fair like others.

People in life have done a lot of good things. They should be rewarded like others and for what they have done.