To my mom and Dad





By : Raha Hassan 


My love for you I refuse t explain,

All that you need to know is that it will remain.

Always and forever I’ll be by your side,

So pretty baby  please don’t be trying to hide.

What I feel for you will remain until the end,

No matter what I pay or the consequence.


Our marriage vows I have continued to keep,

I want you beside me when I sleep,

And when I awake I want your face to be the first I see.

Please say you care this much for me.


When I die,                                                                                       

I want to be buried with you.

That way we’ll be together all the way through.

And god forbid if you burn in hell,

I’ll still remain with you,

Even in a cell.


Till death do us part  ,

We’ll be together,

For all eternity,

Forever and ever.


                 Canada /   June8, 2005