The Not So Perfect Girl
Once upon a time, Their lived a perfect girl, She lived so happily, In her perfect world.
She went to school, And had lots of friends, Everyone thought she was cool, And she had all the latest trends.
She was always smiling and laughing, And had perfect grades, She loved singing and dancing, And had her hair in perfect braids.
But underneath all that beauty and fame, Lies a girl living in misery, She may look happy in the game, But her looks are deceiving to everybody.
Her parents gave her what she wanted, From clothes to books to shoes and jewelry, But missed out on what she needed; Love from her parents, time to be happy.
So that perfect girl, Didn’t have such a perfect world, Being rich and popular, Isn’t always the key to happiness, It’s the love from your family and friends, That makes your whole world smile.
..:©-Raha Medhat-©:..