By : Raha Medhat Are people afraid to pursue their most important dreams because they feel that they do not deserve them? Or is it that they will be unable to achieve them? People are afraid to pursue their dreams because they cogitate that in the end, they will feel that there is nothing more to live for after having accomplished the one thing that they have always wanted.
What is it to have a dream, anyway? To have a personal legend, like Santiago in “The Alchemist”, and to pursue something wanted? What is a dream? The dictionary states that a dream is “something thought, felt, seen or herd during sleep.”(*Gage Canadian Dictionary- Walter S. Avis, Patrick D. Drysdale, Robert J. Gregg, Victoria E. Neufeldt, Matthew H. Scargill). It also says that dreams are unreal, suppose in a vague way. But are dreams really unreal? Most people do attempt to accomplish their dreams; therefore, they must be real. Unless it was not their dream to begin with at all.
In “The Alchemist”, Santiago, the main character, had a dream:
his personal legend is what he called it (*The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho).
“Something thought, felt, seen or herd while sleeping” is what dreams are… (According to the dictionary). It also states that dreams are unreal. So then how could so many people accomplish their dreams? Is it scientifically possible to accomplish something that is stated as unreal? Dreams are about goals set in order to accomplish something truly desired and wanted, for example, finding a treasure, like Santiago. He was looking for a treasure that he knew nothing about until he found it and realized it was indeed what he was looking for in his heart but had not realized it before his long journey.
But what if the dream one is following, is not his to begin with at all? What if it was one that someone else chose even though he did not like it or appreciates it? Let’s say that ever since a random young boy was about 5 years of age, his parents put him in piano classes even though he hated it so much, but he was forced. Then one day, when this young boy reaches his mid 30’s, he becomes really famous for this talent he developed along these past years of playing the piano. But still, he does not like playing the piano. Well, maybe he will eventually grow to like it. Let’s take Albert Einstein as another example. Let’s say he was great in geography, yet people know him for the great math equation: e=mc˛. Why don’t they know him for the great things he did in geography? Was it destiny? Or was it fate? Or maybe because he only wanted people to know him for his mathematic skills.
Dreams come from within and no one can change them. They may try to, but never can someone change the way one truly is and what he is destined for; the one true thing that he most truly desires in accomplishing. Weather it is some sort of talent one may possess or something he wants to accomplish in the near future, it is called a dream. Following it will make anybody stronger and wiser through out the journey taken on.