People Are Judged By The Way They Speak

<<<<By: Raha Medhat>>>>

Like it or not, people are judged by the way they speak. It shows what kind of person one is. One gets this “quality” (the way he speaks), from what he hears. It even gives an outlook image of his life. The things one says and how he says it affects other people’s judgments.

            Speaking a certain way can be a quality that one posses and it comes from what he has herd and where he comes from. That develops ideas and thoughts on any subject. Parents teach their children how to speak. They teach them morals and talk to them in order for their children to develop thoughts and knowledge and that is where most people develop their speaking manners. As one goes through life, it changes and may eventually become better, within the people he meets.

            The way one speaks gives an outer image of who he is, where he comes from and how he has learned to speak in that manner and from whom. It also shows how one is raised. And most of the time, someone that has a proper vocabulary, for example, tends to dress more formal and “luxurious”, a.k.a (also known as) the rich people, higher class. That is why usually when one has a proper manor of speaking, he is respected. In the movie, My Fair Lady, for example, the young girl was much more respected and treated they way she should be after she learned to speak properly, the same way most of the sophisticated people spoke. Yet, she did not want to be respected because of the way she spoke, she wanted people to respect her for the good and honest person that she was. But people respected rich people a lot more then the poor. In this case, the young girl was poor, but she seemed rich after her “make-over”.

            When people say things, other people react in either a positive way, or a negative way. The things we say come from how we speak, most of the time. When the young girl in the movie learns to speak properly, she also said “intelligent” things. Yet, when she spoke English in a very improper way, she had intelligent comments, but they did not sound that way at all. Is it not very strange? We can say intelligent things, but we need a certain “intelligent language” to make others realize that it is indeed an intelligent comment.

            Speaking a certain way, whether it is stuttering or having an accent, people will see others in a certain way because of this “disadvantage”, some may think. And they will be criticized and ‘made fun of’. But what can one do, it is human nature in a way and the only way to deal with it is to go our own ways.



